Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dance party downers

What I don't understand is why people go out dancing, but do everything but dance.

Let me explain...

I recently attended a party at the SAC, which almost everyone knows is a gathering of young people who love to "get crunk". Yes, I love to get crunk from time to time.

However, what I don't love is when other party attendees feel the need to stand around and literally stare at everyone on the dance floor.

Why even go?

It's not like the blaring music and dark lighting provide ideal conditions for observation.

I understand if perhaps you don't like a particular song, or just aren't feeling the DJ, but when you attend every party with the sole purpose of standing around creepily watching everyone else, it gets a little uncomfortable.

At least walk around a little bit. Bob your head. Something.

While I'm on my soap box, let me also just say that I don't understand why people feel the need to carry on an entire conversation while on the dance floor.

Call me old fashioned, but when I say "hey let's go dancing!" I literally mean "let's go dance", not "let's go talk about your favorite hair product and latest roommate drama."

So that's that. Comments?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Unhealthy foods

What I don't understand is how people can eat fried/battered/processed food all the time, and expect it to take no toll on their health. I can understand the occasional burger, or buying a cupcake at a bake sale, but the point of food is to give your body the nutrition it needs to carry out the day.

Foods with little nutritional value really serve no purpose, other than making you happy for about a minute and then causing your body to crash shortly after due to lack of energy.

I know from experience that when I have not received proper nutrients I am phsically incapable of performing at my best.

This being said, I realize people think my eating habits are odd (I eat raisins like it's my job), or that I am kind of an old lady when it comes to making food choices. And maybe I could be a little less "weird" with my diet.

However, I feel the benefits I reap from putting nutrition at the forefront of my food-related decisions are worth more than the short-lived euphoria any cheesy quesadilla can provide.

And if my blog isn't enough, let me leave you with these words, "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."- La Rochefoucauld

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an apple in the fridge calling my name.