Wednesday, December 10, 2008

No Exam Stress?

What I don't understand, especially lately, is how on earth people aren't studying for exams.  Do they not feel the pressure to do well?  

How about making their parent's proud?  Or even themselves?  

I realize that one silly test does not determine one's worth as a person, but for the sake of your future, would a little worry/stress  kill you?  

I think not.  

If anything, it'll put some hair on your chest and make you a better person.

I've been stressing about exams since Thanksgiving break, sipping caffeine like it's liquid crack, and burying my nose in textbooks for hours on end.  Although it's frustrating and even painful at times, I know the hard work will soon pay off in more ways than one.  

We've only got one chance to do well on a test and prove we have actually learned something in our courses.  

So let's buckle down, Winthrop.

 I can guarantee it will lead to a gift greater than anything your parents (excuse me, Santa Claus) can give you under your Christmas tree.