It seems my blog has progressivly become more serious. Continuing with this trend, I'd like to discuss one of my most important issues yet; racism.
I don't get it.
As defined by (I figured this was a credible source, since blogs are on the internet and all) racism is defined as, "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. "
While the whole idea seems ridiculous to me, the part that really rubs me the wrong way is belief that one's own race is superior in comparison to others.
Who decided a group's ancestry/culture placed them ahead of another's? All it means is that those two groups are different.
Nobody is better than anybody else. I repeat, nobody.
I don't understand the difficulty in embracing difference. I mean, dang. Even people within each race are different.
Just like the youth marriage blog, i'm baffled by this one.
Obama's State of the Union Speech Analysis
14 years ago
Alright I will try to make this serious and hilarious at the same time. Here I go...
Ok my standpoint is that the culture today has twisted what the word racism would actually mean as you stated, as a differentiating in race. Basically it's like saying I am a white boy and my buddy is a black boy. I actually find the differences to be fascinating.
For Example, besides having darker skin, Black people have denser bones than caucasions. I am still looking up cooler ones.
But when it all comes down to it, people aren't really racist anymore, but are prejudice. Culture today has switched the meanings a small amount, but enough to change the word association. Like Badonkadonk, it used to be my favorite toy elephant, and now I am crushed.
hope this helps
Personally, I take racism and prejudice as ignorance. Anyone still carrying on such practices are just idiots. I find it very amusing to be hated or simply disliked because of my race... and what's even funnier to me is when people turn up their noses and suck their teeth when they see my family together because my mom's black (obviously) and my step dad's white.
Some people just don't get it apparently. But hey, what can you say?? The world needs smart, decent people, as well as dumb, ignorant people.
america was founded on racis. and its really real. any who Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day
rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me
Unfortunately, racism is still with us in 2008. Not sure it will ever be entirely eliminated but I think it will gradually diminish, in our country at least, as the white race becomes less dominant. Read someplace where Asians are fastest growing minority in U.S. (or was it Hispanics?)
Good you are blogging about such a serious topic.
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