What I don't understand is teenage marriage.
This has been on my mind a lot lately, especially since I just found out one of my high school friends just got married. It confuses the heck out of me.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but what is wrong with just dating someone? Why do you have to go and marry them at such a young age? What's the difference?
Sure, you get a fancy ring. And sure, you get to live together without the funny looks.
But why now?
Why rush it?
If you're really happy together, why isn't dating enough?
And if you enjoy looking down at your left hand and seeing an article of bling, why don't you invest in a promise ring?
I mean dang. Maybe I'm missing something, I just don't see the point.
I'm looking for feedback on this one, because honestly I'm baffled...
Obama's State of the Union Speech Analysis
14 years ago
Very confusing to me too. My friend got married right out of high school also. Another one of my friends got married I think 1 year after high school. I honestly don't understand. I absolutely love the freedom of not being attached, by marriage or by dating someone, for more reasons than I can possibly list. But hey, your blog can go hand-in-hand with the blog I just did on teenage pregnancy.
Haha Sarah you crack me up.
You know what they say... once you find THE ONE you are you are ready for anything and everything...?
I think that I am ready to get married. I wouldn't want to actually do it until I live on my own for at least 2-4 years. But I'm still ready.
I guess to each his own lol
I think we have been sharing the same brainwaves lately sarah mac because I was actually thinking about this a couple days ago myself. I went to homecoming at my old high school this past friday and I was shocked to see how many of the people I graduated with that are engaged right now..it's definitely not the thing for me at this stage in my life!
Hey Sarah. Stay single long as you can. You'll probably end up sharing your life with someone for 20-60 yrs., so enjoy yourSELF while you can. These are precious years.
Take it from somone who's now on his third spouse.
Mine is the voice of experience.
I'm with ya on your opinion. Sometimes I ask myself the same thing. About a year ago, my friend got engaged, then a year later cancelled, then two days later they both got a new boyfriend and girlfriend.
It's good they can recover from that huge commitment but to get a new date in two days, ugh.
Kids need more spanking and dodgeball, ever since parents stopped doing those things, students are now turning schools into their breeding grounds like cockroaches under stair cases.
It seems everyone I know these days is getting engaged or is yearning to get engaged?
What is the rush? I just don't get it either.
I have a serious boyfriend, but I am NO rush to get married. I like just dating, it's fun without the idea of when are we getting engaged? I feel it complicates too much.
We are young and suppose to have fun, how can you have fun when you are in school and planning a wedding? Beats me.
Sam-i love the freedom, too! college is the first time i have really just lived for MYSELF, and it's fabulous :)
Miciah-perhaps it's because i've never found anyone remotely close to "the one"
Brit-yeah every time i got back home i feel as if someone else is engaged!
Dr. Timbs-i will definitely take your advice! and i'm happy you read my blog!!
zade-people are fickle sometimes, aren't they?
laura-i completely agree! who needs more complication in life? definitely not me!
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